While only one of the words begins with the letter “r,” most are familiar with the 3-R’s of education; reading, writing, and arithmetic. These have long formed the foundation for learning in classrooms all across the globe.

However, there is a new trend sweeping through the classrooms, challenging the “old school” educational philosophy. Lawmakers and educators are finding that an enhanced feeling of personal worth may be a critical building block to improve all learning.

Self-Discipline and Responsibility

Most educators appreciate the reoccurring battle against the wandering mind of a student. Although this can have underlying psychological factors, driven in no small part by environmental stimuli, it still can be disciplined.

Teaching personal development to students helps to instill in them a sense of duty. By building an inherent sense of responsibility in kids, the job of keeping students focused becomes much more straightforward.

When students are exposed to personal development, many will naturally employ positive principles in both their own and classroom experiences. Teaching personal development will help to establish a foundation for self-discipline and responsibility.

Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

When young people are taught the value of personal development, they will have a proven tendency to feel better about themselves. Self-confidence and self-esteem help them to overcome roadblocks and challenges in their formal education.

As the process of teaching personal development shifts from discipline and responsibility, improved self-awareness begins to happen naturally. It shouldn’t come as a big surprise, the student who struggles with staying motivated, frequently performs poorly in class.

This creates a compounding effect that zaps their self-confidence. By showing students a framework to improve their personal development, educators are helping to create better students. Better students will inherently become better people, who will become individuals of good character.

Building Good Character

The cumulative result of teaching personal development, and using in-class exercises that promote a better self, is enhanced character. The importance of good character has frequently been overlooked in today’s society.

Furthermore, it’s something teachers felt should be taught at home. Many feel, mistakenly of course, that a person is born with good character or they were not. Research has shown that character does matter and furthermore, it can be learned.

The idea of producing smart students is one goal of educators. However, teachers can also be instrumental in putting out good people of sound moral character. If the theory proves successful, classrooms will produce smart students who like themselves and the rest of the world.

The idea that ethical character matters is no longer of much debate. Theories are now focused on which attributes might better fit particular career aspirations. However, the consensus is overwhelmingly in support of teaching personal development in schools.

With an ambition towards improved discipline, students will feel better about themselves, and the type of person they aspire to become. Excellent personal development skills, when taught at an early age, will help classrooms produce better people.